My Story
Straight out of college and after my softball career was over, I had joined a few slow pitch leagues, tried a women’s fastpitch league, even got into coaching high school and travel ball, but I found it just wasn’t the same. For the life of me I could not understand and accept why younger players didn’t have the same love, passion, devotion, that I so wrongly expected them to have for the sport.
And looking back now, I realize just how burned out I truly was, that I needed some time away, some time to actually miss all that this sport has to offer.
So I took a break. A long break. And for awhile I had some aspects of the adult life in order. I landed a handful of “normal” 8 to 5 jobs, found the love of my life, got married, moved into a family-oriented neighborhood, and even became a member on the board of our neighborhood HOA.
I tried darn near everyday to just fit the “mold”, the standards that I now see were created by none other than me.
I was blindly throwing darts at the dart board of life, hoping it would land somewhere doing something I loved.
Summer 2017, I went out on a whim and set up a coach’s profile on CoachUp. My very first client that I’m sure also took a chance on hiring me, hopefully didn’t pick up on just how nervous I was—the same feelings as going to a job interview—what do I wear, what do I say, be sure to smile…
And yet as soon as we walked on the field it all came rushing back. The skills I had studied, were taught to me, shown to me, the clinics, the coaches, the feedback along the years, the videos. Everything came back, and I loved it.
Holy moly, I absolutely loved it.
I recently spoke with a good college roommate, teammate, bridesmaid, best friend, who asked me how things were going and what I was up to these days. When I told her I had started coaching again and was loving it, she spoke the truest words back to me that were something along the lines of, “I can hear it in your voice, you’re happy, you’re doing exactly what you should be.”
Success, happiness, new goals, wonderful families and girls.
To read more about my qualifications and skills, click on a button below: